Social Media

Non Profit Social Media Strategy

Social Media is Marketing, Sales, AND Branding

The Multi-Tool of The Business World

The Multi-Tool of The Business World

Branding your business through Social Media begins as interacting with people either interested in your field or your specific products and services. From there, the name of the game is giving. Giving in the form of time, patience, listening, ideas, contests, free trials, and lots and lots of useful information.Well When Do I Get to do My Sales Pitch?

Easy…You don’t. Through all that giving you’ve been doing, your one time customers turned into repeat customers, repeat customers to loyal customers, and loyal customers to advocates. Meanwhile, you’ve expanded your marketing reach and created a name for yourself as an industry leader.

Finding The Best Social Networks to Participate on

It’s easy to see with over 400 million active users, participating in Facebook is a must. The question comes when we look at smaller niche specific social media sites. How do you choose which groups and pages to follow within those sites?

Social media is constantly evolving and new sites pop up every day. One of these sites may be the next Twitter, or it could be a happy customer making a support page. Do you know about it? More importantly, do you have a presence on it?

Already feeling overwhelmed? Understandable, but unneeded. With a little bit of dedication, you can stay informed of the trends and ahead of your competitors.

Social Media Checklist

An in depth social media marketing checklist including strategy development, implementation, analysis, and reporting.

April 24, 2012 | Comments: none

Social Media and SEO Trends

Learn about the biggest trends hitting internet marketing that affect SEO and social media.

December 3, 2010 | Comments: none

7 Movies about Social Networking & Business

See trailers for 7 incredible movies about social networking and business including a trailer for The Social Network.

October 4, 2010 | Comments: none

7 Best Twitter Tools for New Twitter Users

A list of the Top 7 Twitter tools for new Twitter users. Everything you need to get started using Twitter.

August 12, 2010 | Comments: none

11 Best Charleston Blogs

A list of the 11 best blogs in Charleston, SC to read and keep track of.

July 26, 2010 | Comments: 2

11 Best People in Charleston to Follow on Twitter

A list of the 11 top people to follow on Twitter in the Charleston area.

May 20, 2010 | Comments: none

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