Web Design

Non Profit Web Design

Why is Usability Important to Web Design?

Lay It Out For Me

Usability is exactly what it sounds like. A web design structure that’s simple, easy to maneuver through, and aesthetically pleasing.

We know it sounds like common sense, but it’s a neglected concept. What’s important to realize is people understand there are at least two or three others websites with very similar information just one back-button-click away.The Five Seconds of Usability

Your website design needs to follow the five second rule. No, I’m not talking about diving head first under the coffee table after that last Oreo, while your buddy is doing a NASA-style count down. We’re talking about only have five seconds to catch a person’s attention and direct them to content they want to read once they land on your webpage.The Three Degrees of Linking…Take That Kevin Bacon!

Making content difficult to find is another way of losing traffic and money. It should never take more than three clicks to get to any other page on your site. Ideally well constructed websites should be set up with only two degrees between pages.

Google Reader Usability Improvements

Some great Google Reader usability improvements and one additional functionality with huge user experience implications.

May 28, 2011 | Comments: none

How To Make Website Maintenance Decisions

The best way to decide if making web design changes to your website is beneficial and which changes provide the greatest return.

October 6, 2010 | Comments: none

Web Design vs Web Development

Web Design and Programming frequently clash with their needs. Here is a list of web development tips both sides can agree on.

| Comments: none

Keyword Placement in a Website

The keyword placement inside a website plays a large role in search engine rankings. Find out a few SEO best practices.

June 10, 2010 | Comments: none

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